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Solas Safe Pass Courses

Provided by Prestige Training
COVID-19 Mandatory Questionaire
From the 1st June 2020, Every attendee MUST fully complete this form and submit it with a minimum of 3 days prior to the course start date you are booked on. If you have any questions when filling in the form please call 087-7950282.
Please Note: On review of the form you may or may not be contacted by telephone, or E-mail and If you have NOT Submitted the form 3 Days In Advance you will Not be allowed access to the Course and all fees paid will not be refunded. If your circumstances change after completing the form you MUST make us aware immediately.
Important Information: If you develop any of the above symptoms before attending the course or have reason to suspect you have had close contact with a COVID -19 infected person, then you are to stay at home. inform us and call your doctor

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